DS Dashboard Troubleshooting

DS Dashboard Troubleshooting

I forgot my password. What should I do?

Follow the Forgot password? procedure below.

1. Click the Forgot password? link.
2. Enter your registered email address on the screen below
3. A field for the 2FA code will open if you have 2FA protection enabled. Enter it using your Google Authenticator.

If you don’t have the 2FA enabled, you can click the Next step button.

A confirmation code will be sent to your registered email address.

If you have 2FA enabled and want to recover your password
If you have 2FA enabled and want to recover your password
If you don’t have 2FA enabled and want to recover your password
If you don’t have 2FA enabled and want to recover your password
4. Check your inbox for a confirmation code, and copy and paste it to the Dashboard login page under the Confirmation code.

If you have the 2FA protection enabled, enter the 6-digit code again.

For security reasons, a confirmation code is valid for 2 minutes a 2FA code is valid for 30 seconds
5. Create a new password according to the requirements listed under the input area and click the Change password button.
Done! You have successfully changed your account password.

I forgot my email. What should I do?

Please contact the Issuer's support team using available contact details, provide them with your full name, and report a problem.

I can't invest. What can be the reason?

There are a few reasons why you can not invest. 1. You have not verified your identity. In this case, you don't have any available limits and can neither see the Company's documents nor invest. Please verify your identity and wait until your request is approved. Need help? 2. You have used all your existing limits for investment. Please check your account’s home page of the Dashboard and submit a limit increase request if the residual is less than the minimum investment size. Need help?

I want to change my wallet address. What should I do?

If you have access to your wallet and have any security tokens, contact the Issuer and report your intention, so they know you will update the wallet address and need security tokens to be re-sent to the new address.

Note that the Issuer does not have access to your wallet address. They have access to their security token’s smart contract that allows them to move security tokens in an emergency. It means that the Issuer can not help you with any crypto you have on your address.
  1. Log in to your DS Dashboard account
  2. Go to Account settings in the top right menu.
  3. Go to Personal details on the left panel.
  4. Scroll down the page and click the Update identity information button.
  5. Update your identity information and indicate your new wallet address.
  6. Contact the Issuer using the available contact details and request them to re-send your security tokens from your old wallet address to the new wallet address.

I lost access to my wallet. What should I do?

If you lost access to your wallet but have security tokens, contact the Issuer and report your issue, so they are aware of it and advise.

Normally, the advice is to create a new account, verify your identity and contact the Issuer to report your issue, tell about your new account and request to re-send your security tokens to your new wallet address.

Note that the Issuer does not have access to your wallet address. They have access to their security token’s smart contract that allows them to move security tokens in an emergency. It means that the Issuer can not help you with any crypto you have on your address.

A blockchain network failed my purchase. What should I do?

First, double-check the wallet address you use for investing and the network you use to transact and ensure you have enough tokens to pay gas fees.

The wallet address must be the one you verified with.

The network must be the one used for the STO you invest in.

For gas fees, you must have enough native tokens of the minting network of the STO.

Note that transactions on the blockchain are irreversible. If you make a mistake and send your crypto assets to the wrong address or network, no one will be able to help you and return the funds.
You are still charged for a failed transaction because miners must process a transaction to the chain, whether it succeeded or failed. So, you pay for that regardless of whether your transaction goes through.

The most common reasons a transaction gets rejected on an Ethereum or Ethereum-based network are:

1. A too-low gas fee was used to pay for a transaction.

Your MetaMask will warn you if it detects a lack of funds to pay gas fees. Alternatively, MetaMask will inform you about a longer processing time on a red background.

In this case, you can Edit it and select the Medium value to see the background change to green color and a shorter processing time shown.

2. Network congestion.

It means that currently, the network is overloaded with transactions and puts them in a queue or rejects them. It is primarily true for the cheapest gas fee.

In this case, allow it some time and try again later.

3. A security token smart contract rejects your transaction for some reason.

It is a rare case because normally, if you are not eligible for the investment, the Invest button is disabled.

If the issue persists, please get in touch with the Issuer's support team.

What does this error message mean?

This post is aimed to explain what some of the error messages might mean and what you should do to fix the issue that resulted in an error message.

This field is required

This error wants to say that you cannot leave this field blank. Please enter the required information.

Your confirmation code is expired

The confirmation code is valid for 2 minutes for security reasons. If a postal service brought you an email with a code later than that or you were distracted for some reason, so the confirmation code expired, you can request a new code at any time by clicking the Resend link.

~ Please make sure to check your Spam/Junk folder as well as Promotions, as emails sometimes go there instead of Inbox. ~ Note that mailing service may be slow sometimes. The code is then received late, and you must request a new one.

Incorrect email pattern

This error means that the email address you have entered differs from the usual email address format. For example, you could miss the @ symbol (I sometimes type too fast and enter 2 instead of @), or you mistype the domain name or its extension, e.g., "glaim" instead of "gmail" or "cm" instead of "com."

Note that if you copy and paste your email address, you should also be careful and avoid spaces before or after it because the system also considers them symbols that are not intended to be in the email pattern.

Double-check your email address and enter it correctly because you will receive confirmation codes whenever you want to log in or update some information.

Also, an Issuer might need to send you some emails, and you should be able to receive them.

Please input valid information

This kind of error usually might mean that you have entered

  • numbers where the letters should come
  • a lowercase where CAPS only should come
  • space where no space is allowed
  • outdated information

My confirmation code is wrong.

The confirmation code is valid for 2 minutes for security reasons. The code could become invalid if you entered it late into the DS Dashboard. You can see the countdown under the entry field.

~ Please make sure to check your Spam/Junk folder as well as Promotions, as emails sometimes go there instead of Inbox. ~ Note that mailing service may be slow sometimes. The code is then received late, and you must request a new one.

If you missed the time, you will see the following note.


Click the Resend link to receive a new confirmation code.

My 2FA code is wrong.

There are a few possible reasons and solutions for the wrong codes.

1. The 2FA code is expired.

The codes are shown only for 30 seconds for security reasons. The code would be invalid if you were late with entering it on the DS Dashboard sign-in page. You can see the countdown as a stopwatch timer on the browser extension and an app.

If you see it coming to an end, we’d suggest you wait until the code resets before entering it into the DS Dashboard.

2. Wrong time settings of the extension or app.

Sometimes, the time settings in the extension or app are not synchronized with the time settings on the desktop/mobile.

1) Go to Settings in your Authenticator extension window or an app.


2) Choose the Sync Clock with Google option

You might have an additional permissions request from the Authenticator extension. Click Allow to proceed. You will then have to return to the Authenticator extension and Settings again. Then click the Sync Clock with Google option again.

3) When you click the Sync Clock with Google option, see the Success message popup. That means the clock synchronized with Google successfully, and the codes now must be correct.


4) Try logging in again.

I can’t see my Claims