
Investor’s Guide


Please note that this section is being updated. This means that you will eventually be able to see the drafts, or some items may be moved from their usual points.

Below are general step-by-step guides on how to register, verify your identity, invest, and manage your account. They work on our platform as well as on any platform of our clients.

You can also find information about blockchain wallets and 2FA protection, as well as some troubleshooting advice.

We hope our guidelines will greatly help and cover any questions you may have.

If you still have any further questions, please contact an Issuer Support Team. Stobox investors can email us.

Disclaimer: we use screenshots from our Demo platform for confidentiality reasons. The names of the companies and the teams there are fictitious. Any similarities are coincidental.

🔰Read before you start

Registration & loginRegistration & login

Identity verificationIdentity verification

Investing processInvesting process

Account and data managementAccount and data management

Stobox Security Tokens

SLX Revenue Share Security Token

Stobox Security Token

Helpful Hints

🪙Blockchain Wallet

Download, install, and connect a blockchain wallet. Add addresses, networks, and tokens.


Find answers and solutions to the most common issues with the DS Dashboard and DS Swap.

🛡️2FA Protection

Enhance your DS Dashboard security. Add an additional layer of security, 2FA protection.


Tokenization and blockchain vocabulary.