Why do I need Soulbound ID?

Why do I need Soulbound ID?

To keep it short, Soulbound ID (SBID) is your Web3 identity. It serves as your proof of identity on the blockchain and holds your identity information. SBID allows you access to De-Fi compliant environments and the Stobox Ecosystem. SBID holders can enter and invest in lucrative business deals of Stobox clients without the need for additional verification.

In its next iterations, SBID will also allow additional non-identity Soulbound tokens to hold your awards, ranking, etc., and link them to your SBID.

SBID tokens are used in various decentralized applications and communities. They provide a secure and verifiable way to represent a person's identity and enable access to various products, services, and communities within the blockchain ecosystem. Some examples of where such tokens are used include access to regulated high-quality tokenized assets, private investment deals, decentralized communities.