
How to create an account?

It depends on what kind of DS Dashboard you see. DS Dashboard can be of the Stobox Ecosystem version and then you will only see the Sign in with SBID button on the sign-in page or a Pro version where you will see a more familiar registration and log-in page.

The main difference is that for Stobox Ecosystem you need to have a valid SBID token* to log in. You create an SBID token and use it to log in to any of the Stobox clients’ platforms of the same type unless they have country restrictions. For the Pro version, you have to register and verify your identity on each platform separately. Stobox itself is now fully migrated to the Stobox Ecosystem version.

*Additional cost applies.

Stobox Ecosystem version
Stobox Ecosystem version
Stobox Pro version
Stobox Pro version

Registration on the DS Dashboard Pro

1. Click the Register now link on the main page of the DS Dashboard.


2. Submit necessary data.

  • your first and last name,
  • your valid email address,
  • select your country from the drop-down list of supported countries*,
  • create a password according to the requirements below.

Make sure to double-check all the information before proceeding. The email address is your login name, and you will receive all codes, confirmations, and updates there.

The country list may vary depending on the regulations that affect the Issuer and the FATF blacklisted countries updates.

3. Go to your inbox to copy the confirmation code from a registration email.

Emails sometimes go to the Spam/Junk folder, Promotions, or Update folders. Make sure to check them, too.

4. Paste the confirmation code on the next page and complete authorization.

Done! You have registered and signed in.

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