I can’t connect MetaMask

I can’t connect MetaMask

Please note that MetaMask is not a Stobox product, so we don't have much access to its functionality and can't affect its work.

See below the list of possible reasons and available solutions for the wallet connection issues.

If your error text mentions Ethereum or network, it means you have the wrong network selected in your MetaMask. Usually, MetaMask checks it and suggests switching to the correct one, but you could accidentally reject this suggestion or close the MetaMask pop-up.

Please ensure that you have selected BNB Smart Chain and the appropriate wallet address in your MetaMask before you try again. Alternatively, allow it to switch the network.

If your error says about the wallet error, it relates to the MetaMask issue at the moment when you try to connect it. The team tries to locate when this issue appears to fix it, which is not easy if it is not our product.

Try the following options.

Option 1. Try refreshing the page and connecting again. You may need to repeat it several times. Unfortunately, currently, it is the easiest option.

Option 2. Clear your browser's or MetaMask app's cache and try again.

Option 3. Check the connected websites and reconnect the wallet manually - you will see your address and if it is connected or not.

Try to disconnect the wallet from the sbid.io website and reconnect manually.


Until you see no address is connected to the sbid.io


Then try to connect again.