Key Features

Overview of the Stobox DS Dashboard Features

Distinct User Interfaces for Issuers and Investors

  • For Investors. A tailored interface provides an accessible environment for the management of security tokens, ensuring ease of use for investment activities.

  • For Issuers. A comprehensive control panel allows for the oversight of the token lifecycle, from issuance to corporate governance, offering full operational control.

Immutable Transaction Ledger

  • Every transaction involving security tokens is securely and transparently recorded on the blockchain, ensuring an unalterable and verifiable transaction history.

Multi-Blockchain Integration

  • The platform extends support to various EVM-compatible blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain, enabling issuers to select the most cost-effective and audience-appropriate network.

Compliance Through Advanced Smart Contracts

  • Smart contracts are employed to automate and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, including KYC/AML, token distribution, and governance, thereby simplifying adherence to legal frameworks.

Optimized User Experience

  • The DS Dashboard boasts a sleek, intuitive design that streamlines complex financial operations, with interfaces optimized for both desktop and mobile access.

Versatile Security Token Management

  • The platform facilitates the concurrent management of multiple security tokens, offering issuers the versatility to handle various asset classes like bonds or equity within one system.

Flexible KYC & AML Processes

  • Offers both manual and automated options for Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering checks, with the flexibility for issuers to manage or delegate these processes.

Blockchain-Enabled Corporate Governance

  • Corporate governance activities, including voting and dividend distribution, are managed on-chain, promoting transparency and regulatory compliance.

Support for Multiple Security Token Offerings

  • Issuers can launch and manage several STOs at the same time, enhancing their ability to diversify fundraising efforts and engage with a broader investor base.

Decentralized Role and Permission System

  • A robust system for assigning roles and permissions ensures secure and efficient management of issuer operations, reducing the risk of internal mismanagement.

Instant Settlement via Atomic Swaps

  • This feature allows for the immediate settlement of token trades, ensuring investors receive their tokens promptly upon transaction validation, thus improving liquidity.

Real-Time Capitalization Table Management

  • Provides issuers with dynamic, real-time updates of the cap table, offering clarity and precision in tracking token ownership and corporate structure.

Autonomous Issuer Profile Management

  • Issuers enjoy the autonomy to update and modify their platform settings independently, reducing reliance on external technical support and enhancing operational flexibility.

Last updated