Order a card

Order a card

Please note that the FNT portal is not a Stobox product. If you have any issues, please the FNT portal support team directly via Telegram https://t.me/FNTWorld/14819 Due to regulations, the card is currently available to EEA residents. The FNT team is working hard to add more supported regions.

To order a card, you must be a resident of an EEA country, verified on the FNT platform, and have 150 STBU to pay for it.

Before proceeding to order, click the Request Access button.

Access approval can currently take a week or more, but the FNT team works to make it faster. If you have any questions about it, please contact the FNT team directly on their Telegram https://t.me/FNTWorld/14819.


As you can see, I could not order a card because I’m not a resident of an EEA country.

I hope you can order the card and use it seamlessly. If you have any questions, please contact the FNT team directly on their Telegram https://t.me/FNTWorld/14819.